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Yes. This Web Site is 100% real and Authentic and so is GEN Z water.
Right now it is 25% and going up the more Everyone uses and recycles aluminum.
Yes thank-you for asking! The bottle is Aluminum the cap is Aluminum there is no annoying plastic label. You can leave one of the bottles in a Recycling Bin and know that it will actually be recycled (unlike plastic).
Mineral Wells, Texas, USA, Earth
Yes the water is purified using reverse osmosis and this basically gets all the Yucky stuff out and it guarantees it tastes like nothing. It is just Plain water.
Approximately 6.0 (“six point zero”) but this figure may vary slightly because it is water.
Not at this time next question.
A little but they taste like Plain water. By industry standards reverse osmosis water, which is what GEN Z is, must have less than 10 total dissolved solids. Electrolytes and minerals add to the total dissolved solids, which is why the amounts are very small.
GEN Z water analysis (mg/L)
Calcium - 2.0
Magnesium - 0.1
Sodium - 1.0
Potassium - 1.0
If you are a true Aquaphile and you want to read the whole water report, send electronic mail to hello@drinkgenz.com.
Sorry we are not an Internet Expert but still believe there is a story to tell.
2 years
In our humble opinion it is The Best Option. Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and does not lose its quality each time. Unlike plastic, which can only be recycled 2 or 3 times which is not good. 75% of aluminum is still in use today and Not Littering our lands and oceans and the Critters. The financial Value of aluminum motivates the recycling process vs. an essentially valueless plastic bottle piece of Trash. And we have noticed it chills faster and keeps water Super cold.
Yes, the bottles are refillable up to 8 times. Please remember that the bottles are ONLY for water and cold liquids though. And NEVER microwave it, cook it, freeze it or fill the bottle with Combustible liquids.
Great question. It is great to know you wonder about These Things. It is best to just wash it with your hands but please do not use something abrasive like Wool or Sandpaper! You can place it in your dishwasher machine too and the Critters on the outside of the bottle should stick around unlike adhesive stickers.
First of all we would have to say, The Critters. Next, it is cheaper. If you lose a GEN Z Bottle you will not be mad about it with yourself for days and days. Just buy a new one. And while it is reusable, a product like a HydroFlask is reusable more times! GEN Z's bottle has more Critters and is more streamlined in shape for easy carry and transport. And also the bottles come with free water.
You can buy it here on this Web Site with water. Or click here and find a Location Near You to buy it. Not near you? Tell us where you are and want to buy it using the Location request form.
It is best to drink Tap water and we mainly do! For the environment and your bank account You Should Too. But have you ever needed to hydrate and you were not around a faucet? Buy a bottle of GEN Z, drink the water inside, and then refill it with Tap water.
The Critters will be so sad but it is All Okay. Email GEN Z electronically at hello@drinkgenz.com with RETURN in the subject line.
Here to help. Email GEN Z electronically at hello@drinkgenz.com with DAMAGED PRODUCT in the subject line.

Here is where you can input any Question you may have. Do not hesitate.